Honour killing story: Boban K.

Honour killing story Boban K. born: 1973 Shot: 9 June 2016 Residence: Hamburg Origin: Serbia / Roma Children: 4 Perpetrator: Roberto F. (22 years) Boban belongs to a Roma family from Serbia and is said to work as a scrap dealer. His 19-year-old daughter Amanda is in love with Roberto of a friendly clan. When […]

Honour killing story: Tamara K.

Honour killing story Tamara K. born: 1979 strangled: 27 May 2016 Residence: Regensburg Origin: Victims: Germany, perpetrators: Albania Children: 2 sons (9 and 11 years) Perpetrator: her husband Ditran Kucana (45 years) Tamara is a librarian, Ditran Crane operator, they have 2 sons. On 27 May 2016 Ditran will strangle his wife in the shared […]

Honour killing story: Wiebke O.

Honour killing story Wiebke O. born: 1987 strangled: May 16, 2016 Residence: Cologne Origin: Victim: Germany, Perpetrator: Turkey Children: 3 daughters (2, 12, 13 years) Perpetrator: her boyfriend Yakub B. (30 years) Wiebke has two daughters from a previous relationship with Vito A, who is over 10 years older. One of them is 13, which […]

Broadcasting Corporation is not going to broadcast the episode about the fire murder in Zeist from the series “The Family Detective”

From: Michiel van Rijswijk <Michiel.van.Rijswijk@bnnvara.nl> Date: Mon 11 Sep. 2017 at 17:35 Subject: Re: Question following the press release of the documentary series the Family Investigator To: Ralph Geissen <geissen@gmail.com> Dear Mr Geissen,Thank you for your messages regarding our series ‘The Family Investigator’. We can inform you that the case you are talking about, ‘the […]

Honour killing story: Tunay Gültekin

Honour killing story Tunay Gültekin born: 1977 stabbed: 15-16 May 2016 Residence: Berlin-Mariendorf Origin: Victim: Turkey; perpetrator: Congo Children: 1 son perpetrator: her boyfriend Yve M. (39 years) Tunay studied philosophy in Turkey and lives unemployed in Berlin-Mariendorf. She lives with her boyfriend from Congo. On June 10, 2016, the heavily decomposed body of Tunays […]

Honour killing story: Lisa

Honour killing story Lisa born: 1996 strangled: 14 May 2016 Location: Wuppertal Origin: Nigeria Children: one baby (3 months) Perpetrator: her boyfriend Austin E. (20 years) On May 14, 2016, Austin from Nigeria breaks some ribs of his girlfriend’s and strangles her with bare hands in her apartment. He leaves her 3 month old baby […]

Honour killing story: Hadar J.

Honour killing story Hadar J. born: 1990 attempted murder: 30 April 2016 Residence: Munich Origin: Iraq Children: she was pregnant Perpetrator: Rekan C. (21 years) Hadar is 3 months pregnant. On the night of April 30, 2016, the 5-year younger Rekan stabbed her in her back and stomach with a knife in her apartment. Neighbors […]