Honour killing story

born: 1980
attempted murder: 10 August 2016
Residence: Munich
Origin: Albania
Children: 3 (10, 14, 17 years)
Perpetrator: her divorced husband Enver K. (37 years)
Zejnepe and Enver have 3 children. Enver is registered because of domestic violence, abuse and threats. Zejnepe gets divorced, Enver moves out of the communal apartment.

On August 10, 2016, he will go to an Italian restaurant in Munich-Schwabing. Zejnepe has her first working day there as a cleaning lady. He hits a knife in her head and throat. The employees call the emergency doctor. Zejnepe comes to the hospital and survives.

The perpetrator flees, but is arrested shortly afterwards at a gas station. He confesses to the crime. The knife can be found near the restaurant.

The trial before the Munich Court will begin in June 2017. In July he is sentenced to 9 years and 6 months imprisonment for attempted murder.

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