Honour killing story

born: 1981
Murder: 24 February 2017
Place of residence: Haslach in Kinzigtal (Black Forest)
Origin: Romania
Children: unclear
Perpetrator: presumed her husband (at act 37 y.)
After relatives notify the police, officials find a woman's body on a farm in Haslach on February 24, 2017.

The circumstances indicate a violent crime. There Ana probably had an apartment, maybe she worked there. Her husband is arrested nearby.

The couple had come from Romania. The woman found her way quickly, he drank. Probably the woman - whose real name is not known - became too independent for him. It was decided that he would return to Romania. 2 days before the planned return, he then commits an act.

In Kinzigtal there is an active help for Romania. It is unclear whether the couple is Roma.

The process begins at the end of July. In August, the Offenburg Regional Court sentences the perpetrator to 5 years imprisonment for bodily injury resulting in death.

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