Honour killing story

Diana P.
born: 1992
stabbed: 1 July 2012
Residence: Augsburg
Provenance: Perpetrator: Turkey; Victim: Italy / Sardinia
Children: 1 son (4 months)
Perpetrator: her boyfriend Regayib K. (36 years)
Regayib is a cook and leaves his apartment in Munich to move to Augsburg and live with his 16 year younger girlfriend. The two of them have a baby together.

Diana is Italian, born and raised in Augsburg. Her family is supported by the social service. But the caretaker says she was optimistic.

On July 1, 2012, Regayib stabs his girlfriend in the throat with a knife, like in a slaughter. He calls the police. The ambulance can't save Diana. The perpetrator is arrested in the apartment, covered in blood. The baby is sent to a foster home. The motive, they say, is that the two were engaged to be married. But the wife wanted to break up and gave back the ring.

In March 2013 the trial will start at the Augsburg Court. In April, the perpetrator is sentenced to life imprisonment for murder. The baby is placed in foster care.

Posted in Honour killing, Innovation, Investigation, Turkey and tagged , , , , .