Honour killing story

Florija M.
born: 1974
suffocated: 24 April 2017
Place of residence: Sasbach (near Offenburg)
Origin: suspected: Victim: Albania; perpetrator: Turkey
Children: victim unclear, perpetrator: 2
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Attila Ö. (at act 50 y.)
On April 24, 2017, there is a loud dispute in a family home in Sasbach. Attila had hidden for several hours in his ex-girlfriend's apartment in order to attack and kidnap her. When she fights hard, he chokes her until she is dead. He leaves the body in the stairwell, takes the car key from the apartment and flees with the car of his dead ex-girlfriend.

Neighbors call 911. The perpetrator turns himself in the next morning to the police in Offenburg. His profession is indicated with sales representative, trained IT system merchant, as place of residence Appenweier. He is divorced and has 2 children.

Rumour has it that the victim is from Albania, the perpetrator from Turkey, both have a German passport.

In January 2018 the trial before the Regional Court of Baden-Baden begins. The offender has been convicted several times. In March he is sentenced to 12 years and 3 months imprisonment for manslaughter.

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