Honour killing story

Mehe K.
born: 1985
strangled: 23 April 2017
Place of residence: Syke (near Bremen)
Origin: Iraq / Jesiden
Children: 3 (at act 1, 2, 9 y.)
Perpetrator: her partner Murad B. / Kaire M. (32 y.)
In autumn 2016 Mehe and Murad will come from Iraq as asylum seekers. They live with one daughter and 2 sons in a family house in Syke near Bremen.

On April 23, 2017, Murad strangles his partner in front of the children. Then he surrenders to the police. The children are taken into the care of the Youth Welfare Office, later into the home.

Nothing is known about the motif yet. Probably she wanted to separate. Probably he didn't want to accept that his wife has more rights in Germany than in Iraq.

The act in front of the children sets a sign, and is above all a warning to the daughter.

In September, the manslaughter trial begins at the District Court of Verden. The Yezidi perpetrator is also called Kaire M. in some articles. His sentence in November was 11 years in prison for manslaughter.

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