Honour killing story

born: 1992
Attempted murder: 5-6 February 2016
Location: Dortmund
Origin: Afghanistan
Children: 2
Perpetrator: her husband (31 years)
Zora and her husband are expected to come from Afghanistan to Dortmund at the end of 2015 and live in a hotel where asylum seekers are being accommodated.

About 1 o'clock in the morning on February 6, 2016, he stabbed her. Guards overwhelm the perpetrator.

Zora is seriously injured. The act in front of the children is characteristic of an honour killing. The man shows the family and the world that he can enforce his claim to power by force if necessary.

In July 2016, the attempted manslaughter trial at the Dortmund District Court begins. In the same month, the offender is sentenced to 4 years and 3 months imprisonment. Zora is not the real name of the woman.

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