Honour killing story

born: 1980
Attempted murder: 3 May 2017
Place of residence: Münster
Origin: Albania
Children: 1 son (at act 13 y.), 1 daughter (18 y.)
Perpetrator: her husband (at act 43 y.)
At the age of 15 or 16, Adea is married in 1996 in Albania to a man 5 years older. They have 2 children and come to Germany with the refugee flow from Albania in 2015. The asylum application is rejected, but the deportation does not take place.

On May 3, 2017, the husband stabbed his wife in their apartment in Münster-Roxel, a knife got stuck in her throat. She is seriously injured and flees to the street. Passers-by call the emergency service. Adea goes to the hospital.

The perpetrator is arrested. He confesses the crime.

In October 2017 the trial before the Regional Court of Münster begins. In December, the offender is sentenced to 7 years imprisonment for attempted manslaughter. Adea is not the real name of the victim. We would be very happy about hints!

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