Honour killing story

born: 1989
Attempted murder: April 4-5, 2017
Place of residence: Leipzig
Origin: Syria
Children: 1 girl, 1 boy (at act 1 and 2 y.)
Perpetrator: her husband (at act 34 y.)
Ara and her husband do not live in a refugee shelter, but in a flat in Leipzig-Paunsdorf. In the night from 4th to 5th April, he stabbed her in the throat with a knife, as if in a slaughter - in front of her 2 small children.

Ara drags herself seriously injured into the stairwell, neighbours call the police. The perpetrator is arrested. The children come to the children and youth emergency service.

One can assume that the relationship was already violent. Ara probably wanted to break up and realized that she could get help in Germany. Her husband didn't want to accept that. Ara is not the real name of the woman.

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