Honour killing story

born: 1990
Attempted murder: 28 May 2018
Place of residence: Cologne-Meschenich
Origin: Romania / possible Roma
Children: 1 daughter, 1 son (at act 3 and 10 y.)
Perpetrator: her husband Ionut O. (at act 31 y.)
On May 28, 2018, a man stabbed his separated wife at Kölnberg in Cologne-Meschenich. With a gaping wound on her throat, she drags herself out of her apartment onto the street and collapses. Neighbours call the emergency doctor. The woman is operated on and survives.

The perpetrator flees and is later arrested. The real name of the victim is not known. The voting district Kölnberg has the highest percentage of foreigners in Cologne.

In November the trial for attempted manslaughter begins before the Regional Court of Cologne.

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