Honour killing story

born: 1984
Attempted murder: 14 September 2018
Place of residence: Bootstedt near Kiel
Origin: Iran
Children: min. 1 son (at act 6 y.)
Perpetrator: her husband (34 y.)
Niala lives with her husband and a 6-year-old son in a refugee shelter in Boostedt. In August 2018 the man is expelled because of violence against her. He is sent to a shelter in Neumünster.

On September 14, he illegally gains access and stabbed his wife in her room. He is arrested.

In the first instance neither the police nor the public prosecutor's office nor politicians report on the case. Not even a few days later during a discussion on the refugee situation in Bootstedt with the mayor and the interior minister of Schleswig-Holstein. Also not during an official guided tour for citizens through the refugee home, where they are asked about criminality.

A quote from the Kieler Nachrichten: "Several investigators told KN-online that they suspected that in view of the forthcoming citizens' meeting in Boostedt they had deliberately refrained from making a statement."

Niala is not the real name of the woman. A few weeks later, a 20-year-old Somalian stabbed a 32-year-old Somalian in the same refugee shelter.

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