Honour killing story
born 1949
stabbed to death: 11 July 1988
Residence: Berlin-Wilmersdorf
Origin: Turkey
Children: 2 sons
Perpetrator: Abdulbahri C. (34 years old at the time of the crime)
Abdulbahri has lived in Germany since 1981. On July 11, 1988, he stabs the widow Kübra Yilmaz to death. One of her two sons finds the body. The murder initially remains unsolved.
In 2002, Abdulbahri goes to prison for two and a half years. With the help of a well-known employee of the immigration service (who was in love with him), he had illegally smuggled members of his Kurdish clan into Germany. DNA samples were taken from him in that context. After his detention, Abdulbahri moved to Halle/Saale. As a profession he gives innkeeper, in the telephone book he is listed as a travel agent.
During the investigation into the unsolved murder of Kübra Yilmaz, the police come across Abdulbahri's trail through DNA matches. In June 2008, he is placed on the investigation list.
In August 2008, 20 years after the crime, Abdulbahri flies from Istanbul to Berlin. He is arrested at immigration control at Schönefeld airport. Meanwhile, he has a German passport and 7 children.
Nothing is known about the motive, so it is unclear whether this is an honor killing or not. However, it is clear that the perpetrator and the victim knew each other and that it was not a robbery homicide. We would love to receive tips!
What is an honour killing? |
An honour killing is a murder in the name of honour. If a brother murders his sister to restore family honour, it is an honour killing. According to activists, the most common reasons for honour killings are as the victim:
Human rights activists believe that 100,000 honour killings are carried out every year, most of which are not reported to the authorities and some are even deliberately covered up by the authorities themselves, for example because the perpetrators are good friends with local policemen, officials or politicians. Violence against girls and women remains a serious problem in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. |
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