Honour killing story

Mariam M.
born: 1995
Murder: August 8, 2018
Place of residence: Heek (Münsterland)
Origin: Russia
Children: 3 (3 Mo., 5 and 7 y.)
Perpetrator: her husband (31 y.)
Mariam is an asylum seeker from Russia, has 3 children at the age of 23, the youngest is 7. They live in the Münsterland Heek. The father lives separated in Mettmann near Düsseldorf.

On August 8, the father brings the children to an acquaintance. On August 11, the acquaintance reports Mariam missing. The husband is arrested.

The origin of the family is indicated with Russia. Having 3 children at the age of 23 would be quite unusual for a Russian. So is the family's status as an asylum seeker. Maybe they come from Chechnya.

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