Honour killing story

Nari and Lukas
born: 1971, 1974
Attempted murder: 17 August 2018
Place of residence: Kerpen (NRW)
Origin: Victims: Thailand and Poland; perpetrators: Turkey
Children: ?
Perpetrator: Naris ex-husband Kemal (at act 43 y.)
Kemal works in a grocery store. On August 17, 2018, he goes on a parking lot in front of a supermarket with a butcher's hatchet to his 47-year-old ex-wife and her 3-year younger new boyfriend. The perpetrator is of Turkish origin, the woman is from Thailand, the new partner is from Poland. Kemal strikes until both are lying lifeless and covered in blood in the entrance. A witness prevents worse by ramming the perpetrator with a shopping cart.

The two victims are seriously injured and admitted to the hospital. The perpetrator is arrested near the crime scene, the axe is secured.

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