Honour killing story

Silvia B.
born: 1977
Shot: February 17, 2017
Place of residence: Offenbach
Origin: Victim: Romania; Perpetrator: Turkey
Children: Victims: 2 sons (at act 11 and 15 y.)
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Volkan T. (at act 32 y.)
In the morning of February 17, 2017 Volkan shoots two-time mother Silvia on the open road in Offenbach-Waldhof.

He flees in the car, immediately is searched for him.

About 4 hours later he is arrested in his flat in the district Lauterbach.

The trial begins in September at the Darmstadt Regional Court. Silvia and Volkan probably met at the beginning of 2016 via the Internet. In the on-off relationship there are beatings, stalking and death threats, also against the sons of Silvia. Volkan's profession is declared as aircraft cleaner. The judgement is not to be found.

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