Honour killing story

born: 1974
Assault: March - June 2015
Residence: Berlin-Spandau
Origin: Palestinian / Lebanon
Children: 4
Perpetrator: her divorced husband Fouad El-H. (41 years)
Fouad is a Palestinian from Lebanon who has lived in Berlin with his wife Zarah for more than 15 years and has 4 children. She is divorcing in November 2014, when he already had to pay a fine for domestic violence.

After her move, he starts stalking her. He was arrested in June 2015.

In December, 13 assaults will be brought before the Berlin court between March and June: death threats, knife threats, the head of the woman "touching the ground" and an arson of the car of an alleged rival (36 years old).

In one case, the perpetrator would have hit his ex-wife on the street and kicked her in the head. Fouad partly admits the actions, but stresses that in Lebanon he was expected to punish his wife with death.

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