Honour killing story

Jaquelin / Jacqueline Fedder
born: 1994
Strangled: 25 March 2015
Residence: Hamburg
Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: Afghanistan
Children: probably not
Perpetrator: her boyfriend Hamed H. (18 years)
Jacqueline has a relationship with Hamed, who is 3 years younger. The police consider him a serial offender.

In Jacqueline's apartment (or that of her parents) there is a fight, and Hamed suffocates his girlfriend on the bed. Then he calls his brother. He finds the body and calls the police.

Hamed hides with a family friend and is arrested the next day.

Whether the motive for the murder is actually an honor motive or a mixture of cruelty, criminal forces, contempt for women and Hamed's fiery nature, could prove itself in a court of law. Unfortunately, there is nothing to be found about it.

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