Reaction of the Utrecht Police to R. Geissen’s complaint about the police action of Anita Frielink (ps)

Narges Achikzei, who was set on fire, and her boyfriend had a heated conflict with the woman's 32-year-old former employer in Utrecht. The family is associated with fraudulent practices. In any case, they were accused by an aggrieved man. He himself was summoned to a court one week after the fire murder in connection with the slander. For a long time he is said to have sent e-mails to the woman - an ex-worker - and damaged her honour and good name.

It is very likely that this conflict played a role in the cruel death. The public prosecutor's office never wants to answer questions about the content of the legal conflict. It is clear that the conflict exerted great pressure on Achikzei and other participants.

PO Box 8300
3503 RH Utrecht

R. Geissen
PO Box 4063
3502 HB Utrecht

Telephone 0900-8844 (local rate)

Corps section Safety and Integrity Office

Treated by Mrs. M. van Rossum
Direct dial number 0900-8844
Our reference 2009-0595
Date 27 May 2009
Subject Complaint police action

Dear Mr. Geissen,

I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of 20 May 2009 in which you complain about a performance by the Utrecht Police.

Part of the complaint that you have submitted relates to a matter that will be dealt with and assessed in criminal proceedings. The handling of that part of your complaint according to the Utrecht Police Complaints Procedure leads to an undesirable concurrence with the criminal proceedings, because it is up to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the court to decide on a criminal offence. In the first instance, your defence should therefore be included in the criminal proceedings.

As soon as the investigation and prosecution have ended, for example by an irrevocable decision of the criminal court or a dismissal, you will be notified of this. If your complaint points are not involved, they can still be dealt with up to one year after the date of the dismissal decision or the decision of the court.
If you would like to do so, please let me know. In that case, please also send me a copy of the judge’s decision or the dismissal decision.

The part of your complaint that relates to refusing to record a report can be dealt with in accordance with the complaints procedure. I have forwarded your letter to a complaints handler of the Police of Utrecht, who will contact you to discuss with you how your letter can best be handled. He/she is expected to contact you within 2 weeks.
Due to the holiday of some of the complaints handlers of the Utrecht Police, it is possible that this will take a little longer.

Information about the complaints procedure can be found in the accompanying leaflet.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. M. van Rossum
Regional complaints coordinator

Posted in Dutch authorities, Innovation, Investigation, Murder Narges Achikzei, Timeline, Whistleblower and tagged , , , , , , .