Narges Achikzei, who was set on fire, and her boyfriend had a heated conflict with the woman's 32-year-old former employer in Utrecht. The family is associated with fraudulent practices. In any case, they were accused by an aggrieved man. He himself was summoned to a court one week after the fire murder in connection with the slander. For a long time he is said to have sent e-mails to the woman - an ex-worker - and damaged her honour and good name.
It is very likely that this conflict played a role in the cruel death. The public prosecutor's office never wants to answer questions about the content of the legal conflict. It is clear that the conflict exerted great pressure on Achikzei and other participants.

Phone 09008844
(HKS no: PL0920.920.2010.6890)
Foyer working area : Zeist Binnen Zeist/Bunnik
O F F I C I A L – R E P O R T
Crime scene : Laan van Vollenhove 2175, 3706 GW Zeist
HKS object : House, other
Date of commitment/time : between Tuesday 1 January 2008 at 00:00 hrs and
Wednesday 13 October 2010 at 00:00 hours
Verbaliser: MDNDR023, police patrol,
Intake & Service Kaaphoorndreef, Police
Me, verbalizer, MDNDR023, police supervisor, Intake & Service
Kaaphoorndreef, Utrecht Police, state the following:
On Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 14.34 hours, appeared before me, in the
police station, Kaaphoorndreef 3 in Utrecht, a person who gave up on me
to be:
Surname : Geissen
First names : Ralph
Date of birth: 13 April 1977
Place of birth: Utrecht in the Netherlands
Gender : Man
Nationality : Dutch
Address : Unknown 9999
Location : Unknown
Country : Unknown
He made a declaration in respect of the facts set out below and stated that
“Between Tuesday 1 January 2008 at 00.00 and Wednesday 13 October 2010 at 00.00 hours on Laan van Vollenhove 2175, 3706 GW, Zeist, it was in the The following are examples of the offences referred to in the preamble.
I make a declaration of fraud, threat, defamation/insult, making a false declaration, extortion/threat, harassment, acceptance of informal Muslim marriage, complicity in murder.
188 Penal Code
326 Penal Code
45 paragraph 1 Penal Code
261 paragraph 1 Penal Code
285 paragraph 1 Criminal Code
Form No: 628615 – PVAANG – Page 1 –
Utrecht Police
317 paragraph 1 Penal Code
I have previously filed a declaration on behalf of my company Advios Assurantien BV under number 09-192579. However, I also want to file a declaration on my own behalf.
I file a complaint against lawyer Peter Hans Ruijzendaal and Haroen Mehraban. Haroen was the fiancée of Narges Achikzei. Narges Achikzei has been a former employee.
My address is secret, I don’t want to give my address. The police can communicate in writing via criminal lawyer J.A.W. Enoch, Postbus 4063, 3502 HB Utrecht.
This declaration must be linked to mutation 08-146199. The judge has acknowledged that there is a “subtle death threat”. The sender of the “subtle death threat” is most likely a offender group with IP addresses 838759231, 82169250170 and 868835142.
This declaration must be linked to 09-192579 which is linked to 08-274993, 2008.30608, 2008.30671 and 2008.30270.
Abn Amro account number 478632320 is registered in the name of Narges Mehraban, born on 19 September 1986. Narges and Haroen Mehraban were married to each other via an informal Muslim marriage and they filed a false complaint against me under trial number 08-365181 on the basis of which two civil lawsuits against me and Advios Assurantien B.V. were filed by Narges Achikzei, Sahar Achikzei, Haroen Mehraban and their lawyer Peter Hans Ruijzendaal. Because the official from the Zeist police at the time had only requested the name and address details from Abn Amro instead of the personal details, the public prosecutor has decided to start a criminal case against me for defamation/libel and stalking (16/440678-09).
Perp group is still determined to get me convicted. A well-intentioned email from me sent to Sahar Achikzei right after the murder of Narges Achikzei is by Peter Hans Ruijzendaal with a writing his hand added to my criminal record.
This declaration must be linked to 20083217 which is linked to 2009180, 2009583, 2009177855, 20095369, 20083217, 20093796, 20092059.
The “gentleman N. Mehraban” is said to have misused the names and telephone details of Mrs. Buitendijk from Sneek for a new scam campaign at
Narges Achikzei was murdered by a sister of a friend of Haroen Mehraban, because she wanted to marry a man of her own choice. Haroen Mehraban claimed that Narges had shouted “Help! Three men are holding me!”. Haroen Mehraban and his mother-in-law pointed directly at me as a suspect/perpetrator/client. A detective told me that all the Afghans they spoke to mentioned the name Ralph Geissen, I was strongly advised against going to the funeral. The police couldn’t protect me. The detective described it as the “most serious form of defamation”. The detectives have asked the (in-laws) family of Narges Achikzei several times in vain to stop all false accusations against Ralph Geissen.
Form No: 628615 – PVAANG – Page 2 –
Utrecht Police
It seems that MDNDR021’s brother has done a job for his friend Haroen Mehraban and that he is hiding behind pseudonyms “EFG11” at FOK! Forum and “Infidel fucker”, “We live like a lion” at the forum “” and behind ip address 8680168141. If the investigation shows that this idea is true, then ip address 6221619250 has a good chance of being regarded as one of the principals of the fire murder of Narges Achikzei.
I have indications that __________ Achikzei bought the petrol at least one month before the murder at Fremouw Fuels Bv in Zeist. The assassination seems to be fully staged and very well coordinated. Narges Achikzei has been set up and people are trying to do the same with me. Everything Haroen Mehraban and his in-laws do and say is, in my opinion, whispered to them personally by Peter Hans Ruijzendaal. As a group they perform a tragedy for the stage and wish to be paid for it. As their enemy, I see it as my job to thwart their evil plans.
I think that Haroen Mehraban and his lawyer Peter Hans Ruijzendaal have greed as their motive for collecting insurance money. That would be one of the reasons why Haroen Mehraban and his mother-in-law watched when Narges fought Achikzei for her life. Seeing a dying beloved is a necessary (traumatizing) evil if one wants to claim 50,000 euros in affection damage from the convicted perpetrator MDNDR021. The liability insurer of MDNDR021 would have to pay that amount. Haroen Mehraban/Sahar Achikzei (15,000) and Peter Ruijzendaal (15,000) demand money from me and Advios Assurantiën B.V. on the basis of dubious irrevocable judgments handed down by misguided judges. Haroen Mehraban and his in-laws told the detectives at their first meeting that the judgments had been handed down and that I had to pay for them. Possibly MDNDR021’s brother was promised part of the money in a successful assassination, followed by a lifelong silence/lying.
The attitude of the judiciary is so far unprofessional and unreliable. At first I was promised by a detective that my report with number 09-192579 would be dealt with by the detective team. Newspaper reports also referred to the fact that the family had been charged with fraud and that my case had been included in the investigation.
Apparently the detective team was shocked by what they saw and in the meantime a police sergeant, Zeist without shame, referred to the letter of the public prosecutor and said that my report had not been dealt with and that I would have to instigate an Article 12 proceeding if I disagree with the decision of the police chief of Zeist. I have been specifically advised to refer the case to another public prosecutor.
I have been in hiding for more than two years now. I feel
is seriously threatened and violently searched for by a notorious criminal group. In addition to the damage to my reputation, I have also suffered financial damage as a result of the criminal activities of the criminal group. I had to incur costs due to hiding, I had to incur costs due to all kinds of dubious lawsuits and, due to hassle with the suspects, I was unable to ask a good price for the sale of my share package of Advios Holding BV to third parties.
Form No: 628615 – PVAANG – Page 3 –
Utrecht Police
Due to the bankruptcy of Advios Assurantiën BV, Advios Holding BV must also be involved in the bankruptcy, as a result of which, for me as a private person and an important shareholder, the financial loss will only increase. An accountant confirmed that the financial loss for me as a private person as a direct result of the years of extortion of this offender group is greater than 100,000 euros.
It would appear that certain elements within the Public Prosecution Service have a negative attitude towards the enforcement of laws and regulations, specifically the rule for broad prosecution in the event of honour killings. Some are unable to fathom the blackheartedness of the suspects. Others do understand the black heartedness of the suspects, so that a division within the Ministry of Justice is noticeable.
On the basis of European legislation, the judiciary is obliged to proceed to broad prosecution in the event of honour killings. Just as the judicial authorities are obliged, in the event of a false declaration, to institute criminal proceedings against those who have made the false declaration and/or have benefited financially from it. The false criminal proceedings against me as a victim must of course be terminated immediately by the Public Prosecution Service as soon as the Public Prosecution Service becomes aware of the facts that Narges Achikzei, Haroen Mehraban and Peter Hans Ruijzendaal have been involved in the fraud and have made a false report in order to camouflage that fact and to continue their fraudulent practices. Good, vigilant citizens must be able to rely on a reliable and honest public prosecutor’s office. The same applies to the Public Prosecution Service: Better to turn halfway than to get completely lost.
As a victim, I demand, on my own behalf and on behalf of those who have been affected, that the Public Prosecution Service should comply neatly with the promises it has made, as well as with legislation and regulations. All suspects must be brought before a criminal court. Police officers should not make the mistake of thinking that they can tell untruths in this case undisturbed and unpunished because the victim is only a foreign woman and Afghans do not understand anything about the Dutch legal system. There are also Dutch people who were in relation to Narges Achikzei and know exactly what is going on and know when the Public Prosecution Service is telling lies.
OM should keep away from spreading invented fantasy stories in the media in which MDNDR021 is portrayed by the perpetrator group as the jealous love rival of Narges Achikzei. After all, the police and the Minister of Justice have repeatedly stated that honour-related violence is very likely the motive for the murder. Honour-related violence always involves a group of perpetrators.
The total amount of collected reports clearly shows that Haroen Mehraban and his mother-in-law are among the initiators of the false slander campaign against me. If they are brought before a criminal court and convicted, the possibility for them to claim affection damage in due course also disappears.
Form No: 628615 – PVAANG – Page 4 –
Utrecht Police
I hope that the Public Prosecutor’s Office will soon come to its senses and decide to take firm action against all the perpetrators and accomplices in order to send a strong signal to the victims, the witnesses, the aid workers, the local residents, the legal profession and the Afghan community that this type of practice will not be tolerated in any way in Europe.
It is very likely that the investigation team will also know who commissioned the murder and why Narges was set on fire. The clients are probably the same people that I filed charges against. As a victim and as a survivor, I demand that an independent and unbiased Public Prosecutor should decide on criminal prosecution of the offender group and that laws and regulations should not be set aside as a matter of course because offenders are falsely
wallowing in the victim’s role. For a fair trial in the Netherlands it is important that the Ministry of Justice stops lying and decides to bring the offender group before a criminal court.
No one was given the right or permission to commit the fact.
Terwee data
Damage claim on suspect : Yes
Insured : No
Message settlement : Yes
Desires victim support : No
Passing on personal details: Yes
Joints in session : Yes
Victim care worker : W.F. Verbeeke
After I, MDNDR023, read out the declarant’s statement, he stuck to it, and then we signed.
R. Geissen
Of which I have made a promise of office, this official report which I have signed in Utrecht, on 16 October 2010.
MDNDR023 on pledge of office
Form No: 628615 – PVAANG – Page 5 –
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