Honour killing story: Müslime(2012)

the victim of rape or sexual assault. was accused of having a sexual relationship outside of marriage. Human rights activists believe that 100,000 honour killings are carried out every year,…

Honour killing story: Jasmin U. (2007)

…Ramazan U. (aged 33 at the time of the crime) Jasmin and Ramazan married in 2000. They live in the district of Rotthausen in Gelsenkirchen. There are several police interventions…

Honour killing story: Gamze C. (2008)

…stabbed her. When the neighbors realize that the perpetrator is still in the apartment, they have the presence of mind to close the door and restrain him. The man then…

Mother stabbed and pushed out of car

the victim of rape or sexual assault. was accused of having a sexual relationship outside of marriage. Human rights activists believe that 100,000 honour killings are carried out every year,…

Honour killing story: Helin (2019)

…attempt at honour killing. An additional indication could be that some articles strongly emphasize the Moroccan and Iraqi origin of the helpers, but remain silent about the origin of the