Honour killing story: Morsal Obeidi (2008)

…she was mistreated by her brother and father. The family had come to Hamburg in 1993 after probably living in Ukraine for three years. The father Ghulam-Mohamad was a fighter…

Honour killing story: Barbara (2010)

…of the crime) Barbara wants to divorce her husband. His origin is given as North Africa, presumably he comes from Tunisia or Morocco. He does not want to accept the…

Honour killing story: Joseline H. (2019)

for asylum under a false identity, which was rejected. He has a criminal record for theft. He also wants to return to Algeria, which puts his desire for “persecution in…

Honour killing story: Birsen T. (2002)

…name of honour. If a brother murders his sister to restore family honour, it is an honour killing. According to activists, the most common reasons for honour killings are as…

Honour killing story: Margarethe K. (2010)

…bad wife. His former lawyer from the iron bar trial explains that he considers it negligent to let a prisoner who can be so aggressive come to his family to