Honour killing story

born: 1993
stabbed to death: 9 September 2016
Residence: Groß-Gerau (Hesse)
Origin: Afghanistan
Children: 2 daughters (2 and 4 years)
Perpetrator: her husband Shafiq U. (33 years)
Fatima and her husband will come to Germany as a refugee in November 2015 and live in a refugee shelter in Groß-Gerau in Hesse. She divorces in June 2016.

On 9 September 2016, the man stabs his wife in the outdoor space of a sports park. The two little daughters watch the deed. Shortly afterwards Fatima dies in the hospital. In the forensic investigation 11 stitches are counted.

The perpetrator flees, but can be arrested.

The trial will start in May 2017 at the District Court of Darmstadt. An employee of the women's shelter, where Fatima had been in the meantime, reports bruises and signs of domestic violence.

In June Shafiq is sentenced to life imprisonment.

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