Honour killing story

Fatimah / Fateme
born: 1994
stabbed: 13 October 2016
Residence: Bremerhaven
Origin: Syria
Children: 3 (2, 4, 6 years)
Perpetrator: her husband Jehad A. (36 years)
In the autumn of 2015 Fatimah and Jehad will come to Germany as refugees. They will move into an apartment in Bremerhaven. The couple has 3 small children.

On October 13, 2016, Jehad stabbed his 14-year-younger wife 23 times. The children are witnesses to the crime.

Neighbours call the police. The policemen break open the door, find the bloody body and arrest the perpetrator. The children go to the child services of the city.

A few days before the crime Jehad had moved out of the communal apartment.

In April 2017, the trial in the Bremen District Court will begin. The perpetrator describes himself as a strict believer. He had previously told the police that he wanted to cleanse his honour with the murder. Nevertheless, the public prosecutor withdraws the accusation of an honour killing. Justification: A whole series of motives could be found for the crime. In June the verdict was thirteen years in prison, one year more than the Public Prosecutor's Office demanded.

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