Honour killing story

Iuliana R.
born: 2003
stabbed: 11. June 2018
Place of residence: Viersen (NRW)
Origin: Victim: Romania; Perpetrator: Bulgaria
Children: none
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Matyu Kostov (at act 17 y.)
Iuliana is from Romania, has lived in Germany for about 4 years and goes to school. Matyu is from Bulgaria, has lived in Germany for about 10 years, does not go to school and does not work. Both live in Viersen. The teenagers are probably a couple for about 2 years. She separates.

On 11 June 2018 Iuliana is on her way home from school. In the Viersen casino garden, a park with a drinking scene, Matyu lurks for her and stabs her. A homeless person calls the rescue service. Iuliana dies at the scene of the crime or in the hospital. The perpetrator flees.

First a Turk is arrested, but he was probably just a drug dealer in the park who ran away from the police. A European arrest warrant is issued against Iuliana's ex-boyfriend Matyu.

The next day the offender, accompanied by his lawyer, faces the police. There are several charges against him. It concerns drug trafficking, bodily injury, theft, damage to property, emergency call abuse, driving without a driver's license and trespassing. The police also have a voice message in which the perpetrator announces his crime ("I'll stab her").

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