Honour killing story

Leyla A.
born: 1973
attempted murder: 12 April 2016
Residence: Hamburg
Origin: Turkey
Children: 2 daughters (3 and 16 years)
Perpetrator: her divorced husband Mustafa A. (50 years)
Leyla has a 16-year-old daughter from a previous relationship and a 3-year-old from her marriage to Mustafa. She runs a bakery.

The couple was about 8 years together and divorced on April 11, 2016. The next morning Mustafa was in the bakery. He pours boiling water on his wife and stabs her in public with 18 knife stitches.

A customer intervenes. Leyla flight. Coincidentally there is an ambulance nearby that takes her to the hospital.

Mustafa is lighting up a cigarette. He is detained until the police arrive. Leyla is operated on and survived,

In September 2016 the trial for attempted murder and dangerous ill-treatment begins before the Hamburg District Court. In November 2017 he is sentenced to 8 years imprisonment. After the sentence is pronounced, he raises his thumb and smiles to the public.

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