Honour killing story

born: 2011
Murder: 19 July 2018
Place of residence: Düsseldorf
Origin: Perpetrator: Egypt
Children: she herself was still a child
Perpetrator: her father Ahmed F. (at act 32 y.)
Ahmed is coming to Germany from Egypt in 2010. In the same year he marries Katharina, 12 years older. Daughter Sara is born. Probably it is a holiday flirt, who comes in this way to Germany. The family lives in Düsseldorf-Rath. Ahmed works as a garbage man, Katharina as a clerk in the city administration.

On July 19, 2017, father and mother argue in a video call. Ahmed threatens his 7-year-old daughter with a pistol (probably a frightening gun). The mother calls the police. Ahmed is arrested. The emergency doctor cannot revive the girl. It is said that her father strangled her.

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