Honour killing story

Vara (and 3 children)
born: 1987
Attempted murder: 3 July 2018
Place of residence: Gießen
Origin: Syria
Children: 4 (at act 1 Mo. and 3, 6, 7 y.)
Perpetrator: her husband (36 y.)
Vara is 31 years old and has 4 children. On July 3, her husband stabbed her and the 3 older children in the family apartment.

He sets fire to the apartment where 4 injured and one infant are lying. All of them would probably have been burnt if the fire brigade hadn't arrived in time. The perpetrator himself tries to flee, presumably wants to shimmy his way down from the first floor. But he falls and is seriously injured in a hospital. All those involved survive. Their names are not known.

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