Honour killing story: Maria P.

Honour killing story caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right Maria P. born: 1995 set on fire: 22 January 2015 Residence: Berlin Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: Turkey Children: she was highly pregnant Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Eren T. (19 years), father of the unborn child Maria and Eren have been together since September 2012. Eren’s family does not accept […]

Honour killing story: Kader K.

Honour killing story Kader K. born: 1988 attempted murder: 20 November 2016 Location: Hameln (Lower Saxony) Origin: Turkey / Kurds Children: 1 son (2 years) Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Nurretin B. (38 years) In August 2013 Kader will marry her friend Nurretin, first with a Kurdish wedding, later with an Islamic ceremony. They do not officially […]

Honour killing story: Lara

Honour killing story Lara born: ? attempted murder: 14-15 October 2016 Residence: Fürstenfeldbruck (Bavaria) Origin: Perpetrator: Iraq Children: 4 (7-13 years) alleged perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Mahmud Salwan-Mohamad (36 years) In the beginning this is the case: Lara has 4 children. After a relationship of 8 years she gets divorced from her boyfriend Mahmud. He threatens […]

Honour killing story: Aysa

Honour killing story: Aysa Aysa born: 1971 attempted murder: October 2016 Residence: Cologne Origin: Perpetrator: Turkey Children: ? Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Taner Ü. (34 years) This assassination attempt resembles a crime from the criminal world. But beneath it lies the structure of an honour killing: the male perpetrator sees himself as the ruler of women’s […]

Honour killing story: Ela

Honour killing story Ela born: ? attempted murder: 2 September 2016 Residence: Neuss (NRW) Origin: Victims: unclear; perpetrators: Turkey Children: unclear Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend (27 years) For some unknown reason her Turkish ex-boyfriend from Meerbusch will be at Ela’s house on 2 September 2016. He suffocates her, probably with the intention of killing her. Ela […]

Honour killing story: Katharina-Sophie Wartmann

Honour killing story Katharina-Sophie Wartmann born: 1992 stabbed to death: August 11, 2016 Location: Hardegsen / Einbeck (near Göttingen) Origin: unclear, victim: Germany; perpetrator: ? Children: probably not The perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Katharina (called Katha) is a fitness trainer and lives with her boyfriend in Einbeck, Lower Saxony. She wants to get divorced and spend […]

Honour killing story: Jana

Honour killing story Jana born: 1999 attempted murder: 4 July 2016 Residence: Berlin Origin: Victim: unclear; perpetrator: Iraq Children: none Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Ahmed A. (23 years) Ahmed comes from Iraq and registers in Germany under 3 identities, including the Saxon Pirna and in Berlin. He lives in a refugee house in Friedrichshain. He has […]