Honour killing story: Shayma

Honour killing story Shayma born: 2004 Attempted murder: 6 July 2018 Place of residence: Hamburg-Billstedt Origin: Egypt Children: none, she was only 14 y. Perpetrator: her father Ibrahim S. (at act 44 y.) Shayma’s father Ibrahim has a recycling company or an import and export in Hamburg. On 6 July 2018 he beats up his […]

Honour killing story: Dilara

Honour killing story Dilara born: 1971 Attempted murder: 17 April 2018 Place of residence: Berlin Origin: Turkey Children: several Perpetrator: her father (at act 75 y.) Dilara is 47 years old, has several children and works as a saleswoman in a shopping mall in Berlin-Gropiusstradt. She wants to leave her husband. Her father sees this […]

Deeksha shot death in honour killing. A cover-up. The story.

Honour killing story Deeksha born: 1995 Shot: August 16, 2019 Location: Saraitarin, U.P. Origin: India Children: none Perpetrators: possibly her father, brother and uncle Deeksha studied at a university. She was in love with one of her classmates who lived in the same place as her. They wanted to marry each other. They belonged to […]