Interactive World Map: Fight Against Honour Killing 2010-2020

Interactive World Map: Fight Against Honour Killing 2010-2020 Honor killings have been reported in Bangladesh, Brazil, Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Sweden, Turkey, Yemen and the United Kingdom. Honor killings are common in countries with a predominantly Muslim population, but many Muslim leaders and scholars condemn the practice and deny it is […]

Top 3 Of The Worst Honour Killing Cover Ups In History

Broad criminal prosecution in the case of an honour killing European Union Judicial Directives require police and judicial authorities in member states to prosecute perpetrators of an honour killing on a broad scale All persons who have played a role in the background of a murder, with the aim of restoring a violated sense of […]

The prosecution can’t say anything about the case because the suspect is in restraints. She does confirm that the man lived in the apartment. He’s being held for the time being.

Testimony 31 in murder case pregnant woman strangled and burned in Haarlem Civil servant The prosecution can’t say anything about the case because the suspect is in restraints. She does confirm that the man lived in the apartment. He’s being held for the time being. Latest posts Honor Killing in Abadan, Iran: Daughter Strangled by […]

No, yes, of course there is a suspicion that it might have something to do with gas, but we don’t know that for sure either, so the colleagues of the police are also going to investigate this case.

Testimony 30 in murder case pregnant woman strangled and burned in Haarlem Fire department Around 11 o’clock tonight we received a message at the emergency center of the city that there might have been an explosion here in the flat behind us. When the fire brigade arrived it soon became clear that it was a […]

Has to do with new refreshing cultures. It’s strange that 98% of these cases come from certain cultures… and I’m not talking about the sober Dutch culture.

Testimony 29 in murder case pregnant woman strangled and burned in Haarlem Citizen @NHNieuws Has to do with new refreshing cultures. It’s strange that 98% of these cases come from certain cultures… and I’m not talking about the sober Dutch culture. Latest posts Honor Killing in Abadan, Iran: Daughter Strangled by Her Father Honor Killing […]