Honour killing story: Romina C. (2019)

…apartment and find Romina covered in blood. Romina comes to the clinic and dies after a few hours. The man is arrested. He is from Morocco and has lived in…

Honour killing story: Xena Wilhelm (2019)

…authorities and some are even deliberately covered up by the authorities themselves, for example because the perpetrators are good friends with local policemen, officials or politicians. Violence against girls and

Honour killing story: Marita (2009)

…against girls and women remains a serious problem in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 08-02-2009 German article www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de: Beloved murdered: Why did Marita (49) from…

Honour killing story: Saskia Mohs (1998)

…(age 22 at the time of the crime) Saskia is 20 years old and pregnant. The father of the unborn child is believed to be her boyfriend Fadi, a stateless…

Honour killing story: Andrea W. (2009)

the honour of your family. I myself am of Afghan origin, the perpetrator is her own sister, the aunt of her and his daughter and her sister are the perpetrators….

Honour killing story: Farima Seadi

…At some point she separates from the father of the children (at act 49 years). She works as an interpreter and has a stand at the Christmas market. Hamidullah comes…

Honour killing story: Sabine

…not at home at the time of the act. The police investigate the perpetrator and search 2 apartments in Duisburg and Essen – without success. The arrest warrant reads for…