Honour killing story: Silvia B.

For the time being it seems that there was jealousy because Narges would get married shortly afterwards and because Narges led a very happy life and we are looking for

Honour killing story: Shania

…arrest warrant is for attempted manslaughter. In the apartment lived a small child, the perpetrator had the guardianship. The little boy comes to a foster family. Rumour has it that…

Honour killing story: Filiz Cekic (2014)

…100,000 honour killings are carried out every year, most of which are not reported to the authorities and some are even deliberately covered up by the authorities themselves, for example…

Honour killing story: Kira

…to Germany. The two have 2 children. Latest posts All this effort to perhaps dismiss a non-honor killing, which by the way is exactly committed as an honor killing 225…

Iraqi perpetrators of honour killings in Europe

Honour killings are common among Afghan, Syrian, Turkish, Iraqi and Hindustani girls. They are rejected, mistreated or murdered by their families because they have damaged the good honour. The reason…