African perpetrators of honour killings in Europe

Honour killings are common among Afghan, Syrian, Turkish, Iraqi and Hindustani girls. They are rejected, mistreated or murdered by their families because they have damaged the good honour. The reason…

Honour killing story: Sengül

…in Unkel near Bonn. The two have been married for 5 years and presumably have 2 children. Their real names and nationality are not known. However, the perpetrator will later…

Maghreb perpetrators of honour killings in Europe

Honour killings are common among Afghan, Syrian, Turkish, Iraqi and Hindustani girls. They are rejected, mistreated or murdered by their families because they have damaged the good honour. The reason…

Honour killing story: Greta

to her. One can assume the following: The young man from Afghanistan has applied for asylum. A better way to get a residence permit would be a marriage and /…