Honour killing story: Hülya (2009)

…he sees it as his job to “forbid his sisters things” (according to his testimony later in court). After the crime, he is arrested. The charges are attempted murder and

Honour killing story: Sandra P. and her daughter

for about 2 minutes. He puts the video of the mobile phone on Facebook. The blogger Heinrich Kordewiner puts the video of Facebook on Youtube. In exchange, the police and

Honour killing story: Fadia H. (2000)

…She bleeds to death. According to the forensic medical examination, the six knife stabs were carried out with great force. Despite this, the brother states that it was an accident…

Afghan woman burned alive. A cover-up. A timeline.

…executor MDNDR021 of not wanting to give any insight into her motivation for her horrific act and therefore pleaded on behalf of Narges Achikzei’ family for an extra severe sentence….