Honour killing story: Nesima R. (2009)

…Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 21-07-2009 German article www.bild.de: “Honor killing” in Munich – My father stabbed my mother to death 20-05-2010 German article www.sueddeutsche.de: Killed with 24 knife stabs…

Honour killing story: Funda (2010)

…Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 19-10-2010 German article www.ikz-online.de: “He terrorised her more and more” 07-05-2010 German article www.bild.de: The sad fate of the murdered Turkish woman…

Honour killing story: Mizgin / Müdje B. (2009)

…for murder of woman 28-07-2009 German article www.express.de: Cruel New Year’s Eve Önder B. (26) struck woman several times with car 17-05-2010 German article www.sueddeutsche.de: The destruction of an unruly…

Honour killing story: Marika (2010)

…German article www.derwesten.de: sentence to 14 years remains in place 24-08-2010 German article www.bild.de: Ex-girlfriend strangled – murder trial begins Latest posts Lawyer for Geissen: “This case is not about…

Honour killing story: Regina E. (2005)

…Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 06-12-2005 German article www.spiegel.de: Stalking – When murder becomes a private affair 11-12-2005 German article www.welt.de: For months he terrorized his wife, then…

Honour killing story: Steven and Kevin (2002)

…Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 05-08-2003 www.spiegel.de: Father must serve life sentence in prison 26-06-2003 www.faz.net: Murder of defenseless sons 05-08-2003 www.welt.de: Life sentence for murder of own sons Latest…

Honour killing story: Florentina / Flory P. (2020)

…India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 08-01-2020 German article www.westfalen-blatt.de: woman (37) dead: detectives are investigating. 24-09-2020 German article www.haller-kreisblatt.de: Zin: Nicolae I. killed Flory P., but…