Terms and conditions for services (B2C)

Terms and conditions of service (B2C) These terms and conditions will come into force on 5 February 2022 and can be downloaded as a PDF here. Article 1 – Definitions…

Honour killing stories 2019

…years at the time of the crime) Ashtar, her husband and 2 children apply for asylum in Germany in January 2019 and move to Lebach in Saarland. She gets divorced…

R. Geissen complains to Zeist police about the actions of Anita Frielink (ps) and MDNDR011 in the Mehraban affair

…an extremely positive report about me to the Public Prosecutor and the District Court of Utrecht: 20/01/2009: www.loedertje.nl/narges/x/Achikzei/verhaal.htm 23/06/2009: www.loedertje.nl/narges/PL092009192579.pdf Today: www.loedertje.nl Overview of lies PL0920/08-365181: www.loedertje.nl/proces-verbaal-with-25-lies-narges-achikzei-zamanmehraban-peter-ruijzendaal.html I find it…