Honour killing story

born: 1964
Attempted murder: 8 September 2017
Place of residence: Bendorf (near Koblenz)
Origin: Syria
Children: victim: 4; perpetrator: total 15
Perpetrator: her husband (at act 61 y.)
In autumn 2015 Abdul flees Syria via the Balkan route to Germany. He has 15 children with 2 women. He leaves his first wife in Syria with 11 children.

Abdul's family lives strictly Islamic, wife and daughters are veiled. Because the father becomes more and more jealous and controlling, Qamar separates. At the beginning of September 2017 there is an appointment before the family court.

A few days later, on 8 September 2017, Abdul breaks into the house of his family and beats his wife with a rake and a spade. He threatens: "If you don't die today, I'll come back tomorrow and kill you!" A daughter intervenes and is also injured. Neighbours intervene.

In court, the defendant refuses to testify, as does the daughter. The mother apparently received a phone call from Syria, whereupon she wants to withdraw the complaint. She also wants to refuse to testify. The judge informs her that as a second wife in Germany she does not have the right to do so.

In February 2018 Abdul is sentenced to 6 years imprisonment for attempted manslaughter by the Koblenz Regional Court. The verdict cites honour as a motive. The perpetrator's closing remarks: "I never did anything that wasn't right." An attitude that is often found in connection with honour killings.

The real names of the participants are not known.