Honour killing story: Claudia

…kindergarten and school. Then he smashes Claudia’s head to pieces with an axe. In a farewell letter he mentions revenge and the claim to power as motives. Then Ousseini drives…

Honour killing story: Mehe K.

…taken into the care of the Youth Welfare Office, later into the home. Nothing is known about the motif yet. Probably she wanted to separate. Probably he didn’t want to

Honour killing story: Ahlam Dawi

…Selim (at act 50 and 59 y.) As an imported bride, Ahlam comes to Germany from Syria around the year 2000 and marries into a Syrian clan. Her husband is…

Honour killings in Europe (2017 to 2018)

Honour killings are common among Afghan, Syrian, Turkish, Iraqi and Hindustani girls. They are rejected, mistreated or murdered by their families because they have damaged the good honour. The reason…

Honour killing story: Ahmed

…name of honour. If a brother murders his sister to restore family honour, it is an honour killing. According to activists, the most common reasons for honour killings are as…