Honour killing story: Andreea O.

…point to. There are also indications of domestic violence, including death threats. In April 2015 Andreea kicks her boyfriend out of the apartment. He then sleeps in a tent on…

Honour killing story: Om Marwan

…arrested at the station. He still has the knife with him. All 4 children are taken into the care of the German Red Cross. In the English-language press there is…

Honour killing story: Susanna Maria Feldmann

…unclear. Other details: The perpetrator took the body to another place near the asylum house the morning after the crime and buried it. There is also a hint from a…

Kurds Tackle ‘Honor Killings’ of Women

…Kurdish regions of Iraq, Iran and Turkey as well as tribal areas in Pakistan and some Arab societies. While the rest of Iraq is preoccupied with the violence that has…

Honour killing story: Florentina / Flory P. (2020)

of marriage. Human rights activists believe that 100,000 honour killings are carried out every year, most of which are not reported to the authorities and some are even deliberately covered…

Honour killing story: Vivien K.

…in an artificial coma. First, the charge is “only” of assault and battery. Allegedly, the perpetrator withdrew from his attempt to kill during the crime. Later, the charge of attempted…