Honour killing story

born: 1987
stabbed to death: 14. March 2018
Place of residence: Kaiserslautern
Origin: unclear
Children: 1 son of his girlfriend (at act 3 y.)
Perpetrator: the ex-friend of his girlfriend (at act 37 y.)
Fati is in his girlfriend's apartment in Kaiserslautern. She has a 3 year old son from another man. Recently they separated, the father of the child now lives in Landstuhl, west of Kaiserslautern.

This father attacks Fati with a knife and a baseball bat. He also attacks his ex-girlfriend. Fati dies in the hospital, the woman survives.

The perpetrator abducts the 3-year-old child, but is arrested the next morning by a special task force. The child remains physically unharmed.

It is unclear whether the act is motivated by honour, as are the nationality and names of those involved. We are looking forward to your comments!

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