Honour killing story

Kader Dogru
born: 1990
beaten to death: 5/6 June 2015
Location: Oer-Erkenschwick (NRW)
Origin: Turkey
Children: 1 daughter (9 years)
Perpetrator: unclear; suspect: her husband Orhan Dogru (41 years)
Kader gets her daughter when she's sixteen. The father is her husband, Orhan, who is 16 years older. His profession is referred to as a lorry driver.

In June 2015, he will report his wife missing. On 10 June, a walker finds the body half naked in Waltrop located on the Dortmund-Ems Canal. Later it is said that she was first beaten to death, then suffocated with a pillow and then thrown into the canal. Kader was Alevitin.

In December Orhan is arrested, but he denies the deed. In May 2016 the trial starts at the district court of Bochum. In October the husband is acquitted under strong protest of the public prosecutor.

If Orhan wasn't the perpetrator, this would probably be a suicide or an accident, so no honour killing.

The Public Prosecutor's Office has appealed. In December 2017, as an exception in public, the case will be referred back to the Federal Supreme Court. The decision is reversed and the case is referred back to another chamber in Bochum. However, the judges in Karlsruhe also see a thin evidence base.

The suspect will be re-arrested in February 2018. At that moment his daughter lives with him. In March the trial was completely reopened. An interesting detail: the perpetrator is said to have used his brother's car to transport the body. The accused remained silent about the accusation.

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