Honour killing story: Irina

…of honour killings, but a horrible action by her ex-boss. What I regret is that everyone is now very angry with it because the murder ‘was committed by an Afghan’,…

Honour killing story: Farah

…because the murder ‘was committed by an Afghan’, let us look back at the past. In which case was there more controversy, Mohammed B. or the murderer of Pim Fortuyn?…

Honour killing story: Fatima

…years) Fatima and her husband will come to Germany as a refugee in November 2015 and live in a refugee shelter in Groß-Gerau in Hesse. She divorces in June 2016….

Honour killing story: Maria Ladenburger

Honour killing story Maria Ladenburger born: 1996 murdered: 16 October 2016 Residence: Freiburg Origin: Victim: Germany, Perpetrator: Afghanistan Children: none Perpetrator: Hussein K. (17 years) Hussein comes to Germany in…

Honour killing story: Aysha

…doctors have not been released from their duty of secrecy. Even the lawyer of the defence pleads for a suspended sentence, because – he says – the family has already…