Honour killing story

Tamara K.
born: 1979
strangled: 27 May 2016
Residence: Regensburg
Origin: Victims: Germany, perpetrators: Albania
Children: 2 sons (9 and 11 years)
Perpetrator: her husband Ditran Kucana (45 years)
Tamara is a librarian, Ditran Crane operator, they have 2 sons.

On 27 May 2016 Ditran will strangle his wife in the shared bedroom. The two sons sleep on the floor below. After the crime, the perpetrator drives to the hospital and declares that his wife has attacked him and now lies dead at home.

The officers find the body that shows signs of violence against the head and upper body. The perpetrator is arrested and confesses to the crime. The sons go to the grandparents. The grandfather is the former president of the football club Jahn Regensburg.

In February 2017 the manslaughter lawsuit starts at the court of Regensburg. In April the perpetrator is sentenced to 9 years and 3 months imprisonment.

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