Testimony 241 in murder case Narges Achikzei

I thanked Geissen for the very clear and detailed email with attachments that made me understand the Zeister fire murder case much better.

Amnesty does not work against corruption, does not sit in the judge's chair and does not deal with criminal law.

According to Geissen, the executor of the Zeist police and the prosecution did not receive a fair criminal trial and was locked up in a TBS clinic for a long time based on totally fabricated stories. It is true that every defendant is entitled to a fair trial. It's just that Amnesty does not stand up for that in individual cases, unless someone is a "political prisoner" and thus is being tried (in part) because of his or her political ideas. It is only in those kinds of trials that Amnesty can sometimes be found in the courtroom as an observer, and Amnesty is sometimes willing to issue a press release about the case.

Unfortunately for Geissen and the murderess, the Zeist fire-murder case is not an Amnesty case. If mistakes were made in it then I hope other avenues can be found to retract and (as far as possible) correct them. Nice that Geissen is committed to that! -Wim Roelofsen, Amnesty International Netherlands


Posted in Dutch authorities, Innovation, Investigation, Murder Narges Achikzei, Whistleblower and tagged , , , , , , .