Testimony 153 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei
There is no case of an honour killing. The perpetrator has already been arrested. She is an Afghan girl of about 28 years of age. It is a great pity that it is someone from our circle of friends. Someone from whom we couldn't expect this in our wildest dreams. Her motif is not known yet. She has no intention of saying anything about it. Could be money at stake, can be jealousy, can be anything. In about 2 months there will be a court hearing, and everyone will be allowed to attend and find out all about it. But please stop spreading gossip. Greetings, Masoud Mehraban.
Honor Killing in Argenteuil, France: 25-Year Prison Sentence Demanded for Two Brothers
Honor Killing in Bidar, India: Father Murders Daughter for ‘Disobedience’ in Relationship Choice
Honor killing in Mako, Iran: Woman and 11-year-old child murdered by the father of the family
Honor Killing in Piranshahr, Iran: Kani Abdollahi (17) Murdered by Her Father
Honor Killing in Apeldoorn, Netherlands: Prosecution Demands 25 Years in Prison
Honor Killing of Narges Achikzei. A Cover-Up. A Timeline.
Honor killing in Tehran: Murderer sentenced to three years in prison
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Husband Kills Wife and Man in Gilan, Iran
Woman shot dead in front of her 4-year-old son in Rijswijk, Netherlands